If you’re an owner of an aboveground liquid fertilizer storage tank, you’ve likely become familiar with the API 653 Standard.
The API 653 standard serves as the globally recognized standard for API 653 inspections for aboveground welded storage tanks that store products such as liquid fertilizer at atmospheric pressure. It is based on the knowledge and experience of the world’s best tank industry engineering experts and tank owners.
All tanks will require maintenance and attention throughout their lifetimes. The API 653 Standard addresses the repair, alteration, relocation, and reconstruction of existing tanks built to the API 650 Standard. Regular inspections guarantee the safety and viability of your tank while also ensuring adherence to relevant codes and standards.

Heartland Tank Services Inspectors run tanks through a number of structural tests.
The History of the API 653 Standard
API 653 was created after several fuel AST failures in the late 1980s, one of which was in Pennsylvania where ninety-three thousand barrels of oil were released and almost one fifth of the release spilled into the Monongahela River and flowed into the Ohio River. The resulting economic and environmental damage prompted action to prevent further failures. Published in 1991 as maintenance procedures for above ground oil tanks, API 653 soon became the international standard for AST inspection and maintenance. Although API 653’s creation was motivated by catastrophic tank failures, the Standard evaluates tanks for fitness for operation, looking at corrosion rates and soundness of engineering structure, not simply measuring for probability of tank failure. While created for the oil tank industry, API 653 is recommended by both The Fertilizer Institute and EPA as inspection practices for fertilizer ASTs.
>> RELATED LINK: Why Regular Inspections Are Important
>> RELATED LINK: When Your Tank Should Be Inspected
Repair or Alteration of a Storage Tank
Section 9 of the API 653 Standard addresses repair and alteration of aboveground storage tanks. All repair work to an aboveground storage tank must be authorized by an API certified inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design. Section 9 of API 653 details what requirements the certified inspector or tank engineer must follow when performing tasks such as removing or replacing shell plate material, installing a door sheet, repairing or installing a new tank bottom, and much more.
>> RELATED LINK: Keep Your Tank in Service Longer Through Inspections
>> RELATED LINK: What’s In Your Tank Inspection Report
Relocation and Reconstruction of a Storage Tank
Section 10 of API 653 states that prior to reconstruction commencing, the work must be authorized by the authorized API certified inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank. Section 10 provides guidance to the API 653 certified inspector or tank engineer as to methods of dismantling the various parts of a tank, using tank piece identification and alignment markings, reconstructing the tank, and testing dimensional tolerances on the reconstructed tank.
Get Your Inspection Scheduled Today
Heartland Tank Services employs licensed API 653 inspectors to ensure your tank’s continued viability and long service life. We’re here to guide you through the inspections process and make sure your tank is put to good use for years to come. Contact us today to discuss your next API 653 Inspection.
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