Jennifer Selke is our Inspection Division Coordinator. Get to know Jennifer a bit today!
How long have you been with Heartland Tank Services?
1 year.
What do you do at Heartland?
Inspection reports. I’m in charge of scheduling inspections and building the reports we send to customers afterwards. This helps customers keep their tank inspections updated and their tanks in compliance and in good working order.
Your favorite thing about working at Heartland:
I enjoy the people I work with.
Best piece of advice you’ve gotten:
Nothing is permanent until you get to heaven.
What do you like to do outside the office to relax?
I knit! I use to love camping, and by camping I mean glamping in an RV. But I haven’t gotten to do it in awhile..
Favorite movies:
I like pretty much any Hallmark movie.
If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be?
Don’t ever stop trying!
Favorite Food:
Appetizers! Macaroni and Cheese. And I like meat, I’m a pasta and a protein person.
Favorite Travel Destination:
Not so much my favorite place, but we go to Branson a lot for family time.
Favorite Sports Team:
OU football and softball.